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a mechanical equipment manufacturer that produces and supplies professional mechanical equipment used in the manufacturing process of various raw materials.
CAVITRON KOREA Ltd., has served machines to wide arrange of industries such as domestic petrochemical fields, paper companies, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics manufacturers.
In order to raise awareness among domestic industries and effectively advance into overseas markets, our company entered into a technical alliance with Germany's Cavitron vom Hagen & Funke GmbH in 2003 and renamed the company CAVITRON KOREA Ltd.,
CAVITRON KOREA Ltd., has supplied company's self-developed products and technology alliance products to domestic industries, also we have supplied products to the Southeast Asian market including China, as well.
CAVITRON KOREA Ltd., has specialized technology for special industrial pumps and vertical centrifugal pumps. Based on this technology, we exclusively have supplied and maintained the snow making pump system of 10 domestic ski resorts. Also, we have supplied and maintained US Air Force’s fuel injection pump system for fighter jets at airfields in Korea.
Chief Executive Officer Kim Sung-Yong
161, Jukdong‐ro, Yuseong‐gu, Daejeon, 34127, Korea
CEO : Kim Sung Yong
Tel : 042 - 824 - 0263
Fax : 042 - 824 - 0265
사업자번호 : 305 - 81 - 65154
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